Star Trek In Flames No Phoenix
In Sight
by Joshua Tyler
a recovering Trekker, I miss good space science fiction
in the theater. Id hoped Chronicles of Riddick might
be some sort of revival of it at the movies, but apparently
Im the only one who doesnt hate it. Before
that, the trailers for Star Trek: Nemesis hinted that
it might be at last something different, but as it turns
out Berman left most of the Enterprise crew back at space
dock. Seriously, did you see the movie? Its like
they spent the entire budget on CGI sets and didnt
have enough money to hire extras to look like they were
running the ship. Im running out of places to turn.
In fact, Im kind of in a place where I believe its
time for Star Trek to simply go away for awhile. Id
thought Paramount agreed last week when news leaked out
that they were firmly committed to halting all future
Star Trek projects for a couple of years. But that worm
Berman couldnt leave it alone, and has since squirmed
his way into the ears of Paramount execs and convinced
them to give him another shot with the pretty well sunk
franchise. What form that chance will take is anyones
guess, but with Berman at the helm you can be sure itll
suck. At best itll be just another horrible movie,
at worst itll make somehow manage to make some money
and keep Rick The Federation Con Man Berman
in charge. Not that any of this is a revelation. Its
all been said a hundred times before.
Actually, Im not truly sure why Ive bothered
writing this. Ive no new insight to offer on the
matter, I simply needed to vent. I loved Star Trek and
Rick Berman hates me. Barring Star Trek, some other good
space adventures sure would be nice. WB killed the Babylon
5 movie, so forget about that. Without Tom Cruise on board
or his lower level equivalent they dont want to
risk it. Imagine if that attitude had been taken when
the idea for Star Trek: The Motion Picture was presented.
Its ridiculous that a B5 movie based on a successful
franchise with hordes of fans, cannot get made using the
original cast when in a few months a movie based on a
cancelled TV show will be. I suppose my only hope now
is Firefly
but lets get realistic. No matter
how good that movie is, itll never make back its
budget and it isnt going to revitalize the space-sci-fi
genre. It needs a Lord of the Rings to bring it back or
a Star Wars that doesnt feel like a toy line advertisement.
Either of those things happening is a long shot, so I
guess Id better hit the bookstore and cozy up with
some Heinlein. Maybe when this superhero craze burns out
therell be room for movies to return to outer space.
About the Author
Joshua Tyler is the Owner and Creator of CinemaBlend.com,
a movie news and review resource updated daily and available
for paid syndication. |